
There hasn’t been a day that I have not known myself as an artist and I communicate my main body of work through imaginative painting - this is my voice. I use keen observation of human behaviors, likeness, and mannerisms often surrounded in nature. Unique storytelling and utilizing decades of theatre and dance experience add energy and movement, through bold colors and dynamic composition inviting you to become part of the narrative of each piece.  In pursuit of refining myself as a visual artist, I retired from 26 years of fulfilling, rich experiences with dance in the performing arts. I was accepted in The Atelier Studio Program of Fine Art in Minneapolis in January 2014 (a rigorous four-year classical realism art program), completing the program in May 2019. Today, I continue to immerse myself in the visual arts in the Twin Cities community and beyond, chasing daydreams and painting them into reality. 

Resume / CV